CTU Bern


New members of staff: Kimberly and Jann

11.07.2024 – We are pleased to welcome Kimberly Gilbert as a new staff member at CTU Bern.

Kim completed her PhD in Evolutionary Biology in the Department of Zoology at the University of British Columbia, Canada. She pursued several postdoctoral positions and an SNF Ambizione Fellowship on the topic of population genetics, working on both theory and simulations, as well as with human and plant genomic data. She is now excited to contribute her computational skills and begin her career in clinical research as a Clinical Data Manager. Welcome Kim!

We are also pleased to welcome Jann Caviezel as a new staff member at CTU Bern. Jann is currently pursuing his bachelor's degree in psychology at the University of Bern. In September he plans to start his master’s degree in clinical psychology at the Uni Bern.

During his Bachelor’s degree, he did an internship at the ISPM. He helped conducting a study at the Inselspital, where he was one of the database developers. Besides that, he did standardized interviews and screenings with the patients. He is looking forward to getting to know the world of clinical research and data management. He is very excited to start his role as a Junior Research Assistant, where he will support the data management team in various tasks. Welcome Jann!

ELAN trial: Results published

20.06.2024 – Early Versus Late Initiation of Direct Oral Anticoagulants After Ischemic Stroke in People With Atrial Fibrillation (ELAN study): sub-analyses in Stroke Sizes and Hemorrhagic Transformation:

After the completion and publication of the results of the ELAN trial, the team pursued the work on its data and achieved to publish the first two important sub-analyses. Please find out more here.

New member of staff: Sophie Mermoud

18.06.2024 – We are pleased to welcome Sophie Mermoud as a new staff member at CTU Bern.

After completing her studies in Biotechnology, Sophie has been working mainly in the field of Clinical Research in both academia and industry. In the last years she has worked as a CRA for different CROs. She is now looking forward to starting her new role at the CTU as Deputy Head of Monitoring Division. Welcome Sophie!

SWITCH: Results published

17.06.2024 – Results of a global trial on decompressive craniectomy in people with severe intracranial haemorrhages were published in The Lancet.

Treatment of people with severe intracranial haemorrhage is a major unresolved issue in stroke management, in particular with a bleeding into the deep structures of the brain. The randomized controlled trial SWITCH was designed to assess whether a surgical intervention – the decompressive craniectomy – would reduce severe handicap and mortality in these people. For more information please click here.

CTU and CIU: successful ISO 9001:2015 audit

17.06.2024 – The CTU and CIU are pleased to announce that we have successfully passed this year's ISO 9001:2015 audit, maintaining our ISO certification until May 2025.

ISO 9001:2015 is an international standard for Quality Management Systems. It provides a framework and set of principles that ensure a systematic approach to managing an organization’s processes to consistently meet customer and regulatory requirements.
CTU: https://www.ctu.unibe.ch/about_us/quality_management/index_eng.html
CIU: https://www.ciu.unibe.ch/about_us/quality_management/index_eng.html

DCR Medical Grant Writing Program for Clinicians

18.04.2024 – The Department of Clinical Research is offering a Medical Grant Writing Program for Clinicians who would like to enhance their skills regarding applications for grant funding for clinical research projects.

Open Science – Courses offered by the University Library of Bern

14.03.2024 – The Data Stewards at the Open Science Research Data Management Team offer individual support and training sessions as well as workshops based on your needs for you and your team on request. 
Read more here.

SCTO Symposium 2024 

11 June 2024, 10.00–16.15
AGORA | Paternot auditorium | Lausanne

Working towards efficient clinical data-driven research in Switzerland

This year’s SCTO Symposium is dedicated to the topic «Working towards efficient clinical data-driven research in Switzerland» and will take place in Lausanne on Tuesday, 11 June. 
For more information and to register click here.

SNSF IICT Call 2024 open – new process at DCR

04.03.2024 – The IICT program is targeted at researchers who wish to conduct an investigator initiated clinical trial. The Department of Clinical Research offers extensive support for developing proposals for this funding scheme. 

Please contact us until April 14th for a consulting so we can support you in developing your study idea: Info.dcr@unibe.ch
More information on the call and the whole process can be found here.

New seminar series: Facts and pitfalls of observational studies – How to plan and conduct HRO projects

27.02.2024 – Almost 80% of projects submitted to the ethics committees are not clinical trials, but human research projects falling under the HRO (Human Research Ordinance). These are observational studies and further use projects, and as the range of possible projects is large, it is often challenging to keep track of qualitative, regulatory and legal requirements. A new training format offers help to navigate the project-jungle: The HRO lunch sessions provide practical and concise information about main topics related to HRO projects and offers plenty of room for researcher’s questions. More information and the links for registration can be found here.

DCR-CTU Lecture Dezember 2023: Tackling Lasagna’s law: perspectives on clinical trial enrolment from three recent projects

Mittwoch, 13. Dezember 2023
12.45-13.30 Uhr (via Zoom-Meeting)

«Tackling Lasagna’s law: perspectives on clinical trial enrolment from three recent projects»

  • PD Dr. med. Manuel Blum, Universitätsklinik für Allgemeine Innere Medizin, Inselspital
  • Prof. Dr. med. Daniel Fuster, Universitätsklinik für Nephrologie und Hypertonie, Inselspital
  • Dr. phil. Anna Schöni, Berner Institut für Hausarztmedizin (BIHAM), Universität Bern

Weitere Informationen zu den Lectures und der Registrierung finden Sie hier.

Der Cannabispilotversuch SCRIPT eröffnet Anmeldung zur Studienteilnahme

04.12.2023 – Nachdem das Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG) und die zuständigen Ethikkommissionen der SCRIPT-Studie im Frühling 2023 grünes Licht erteilten,

wird jetzt die Anmeldung für die Studienteilnahme am Cannabispilotversuch in den Städten Bern und Biel wie geplant eröffnet. Interessierte Cannabis-Konsumierende können sich noch bis zum 12.12.2023 auf der Website registrieren. Bitte lesen Sie hier weiter.

Demonstration: reaction-Studie, sitem-insel «Tag der offenen Tür» 2.12.2023

Am «Tag der Offenen Tür» führt das DCR mit seinen Units CTU und CIU die reation-Studie durch. Sie dient als Demonstration zur Veranschaulichung einer randomi-
sierten kontrollierten Studie.

Melde dich zur Studienteilnahme und finde heraus, ob der reaction-Drink dir Power verleiht – frei nach dem Motto «nicht besser, aber schneller»!

Samstag, 2. Dezember 2023, «Tag der offenen Tür» sitem-insel
Department of Clinical Research, 1. OG Ost
Studienteilnahme: 10.00 − 14.00 Uhr, Auswertung laufend bis 16.00 Uhr
Für weitere Infos bitte hier klicken.

New members of staff: Samara and Johanna

19.11.2023 – We are pleased to welcome Samara Naim as a new staff member at CTU Bern.

Samara completed her PhD in Biomedical Sciences at the Institute of Pharmacology at the University of Bern and thereafter worked in the quality department at CSL Behring in Bern, where she was mainly involved in the deviation management of final pharmaceutical products. After conducting basic research and quality evaluations of final products, she now wishes to learn as much as possible about one of the intermediate steps during the development of new medicinal products – clinical trials. Therefore, she is very excited to start her new role as Clinical Trial Monitor.

We are also pleased to welcome Johanna Lippuner as a new staff member at CTU Bern. Johanna is currently pursuing her bachelor’s degree in psychology at the University of Bern. Previously she worked for a management consultancy firm in Zürich.

Now she is looking forward to learning more about clinical research and expanding her skills in her position as a Junior Research Assistant in the Clinical Data Monitoring team.
Welcome Johanna!


02.11.2023 – Results from the one-year follow-up of the SWISS-APERO trial, a randomized trial of patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation who required percutaneous left atrial appendage closure, have been released. Click here for more information.


02.11.2023 – Final five-year follow-up results of a randomized trial in patients with ST elevation Myocardial infarction (STEMI) in need of catheter-directed revascularization have now been published.
Find out more here.

Study Talk @ Inselspital

Der nächste Znüni Talk steht bevor.
Zielpublikum: Study-Nurses, Studienkoordinator:innen, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende und Clinical Research Coordinators aus dem Inselspital

Dienstag, 14. November 2023
9.00 bis 10.00 Uhr, Auditorium Maurice E. Müller, Operationstrakt Ost (OpO)!
Titel: «ORCA – QM-Applikation als Support für die Qualitätssicherung in der Forschung»
Referent: Michael Lensch, Fachexperte Qualitätsmanagement, Inselspital, Universitätsspital Bern, Direktion Lehre und Forschung
Anmeldung: bis 9. November 2023 unter: studytalk@insel.ch

DCR Newsletter Oktober 2023


  • Neues DCR-Logo
  • DCR-Grant Writing Workshop for Clinicians
  • Schreiben des Studienprotokolls – eine kleine Auswahl an Dos und Don’ts (Teil 1)
  • CTU AGBs Reloaded: Neue Terms and Conditions dank optimierten internen Prozessen
  • CIU – Studie menuCH-Kids
  • CTU Kurstermine

6th SPCRC Congress

10.10.2023 – The Swiss Professionals of Clinical Research Coordination (SPCRC) invites you to the 6th congress:
Friday, 3 November 2023, 9.00 – 17.00
Hotel Mövenpick, Basel, Aeschengraben 25, 4051 Basel

To access the invitation and the detailed program, please click here.

DCR-CTU Lecture: Genetics for Precision Drug Development

Mittwoch, 25. Oktober 2023
12.45-13.30 Uhr (via Zoom-Meeting)

Titel: Genetics for Precision Drug Development
Referent: Vincent Mooser, MD, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Genomic Medicine, Department of Human Genetics, McGill University, Montreal QC

Please find more information about the lectures here.

Update to T&C: New Terms and Conditions due to optimized internal processes

10.10.2023 – We invite you to read about our updated terms and conditions for CTU Clinical Research Agreements regarding new information on data management, respectively database responsibilities and fees. To access the details, please click here.

International research initiatives led by University of Bern receive funding

03.10.2023 – The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) has awarded funding to three projects led by the University of Bern as part of the SPIRIT program, promoting cross-border and collaborative research endeavors. Please click here to read more.

DCR-CTU Lecture: Prognostische Modelle in der klinischen Forschung – Ein Blick in die Glaskugel

Mittwoch, 27. September 2023
12.45-13.30 (Zoom Meeting)

Referent: André Moser, Senior Statistician, CTU Bern
Die Vortragssprache ist Deutsch.

Study Talk @ Inselspital

Der nächste Znüni Talk steht bevor.
Zielpublikum: Study-Nurses, Studienkoordinator:innen, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende und Clinical Research Coordinators aus dem Inselspital

Dienstag, 5. September 2023
9.00 bis 10.00 Uhr, Kinderklinik A, Kursraum 1, Inselspital
Titel: «Umgang mit vulnerablen Personen in der klinischen Forschung»
Referent: Prof. em. Dr. med. Christian Seiler, Präsident der Kantonalen
Ethikkommission Bern (KEK)
Anmeldung: bis 1. September 2023 unter: studytalk@insel.ch

Courses offered by the University Library of Bern, Open Science

21.07.2023 – The Open Science Research Data Management Team from September 2023 offers new “How to” training series in research data management.

They offer individual support and training sessions as well as workshops based on your needs for you and your team on request.
Please click here for more information, the registration links, and the flyer.

Apéro for Females in Clinical Research

21.07.2023 – The Department of Clinical Research invites you to a special Apero event dedicated to women undertaking translational and clinical research. This informal gathering aims to provide an opportunity to connect, share experiences, and build valuable networks with colleagues at the University of Bern and University Hospitals.

DCR Newsletter Juni 2023  (früher CTU Newsletter)


  • Die DCR-Mitarbeitenden kurz vorgestellt...
  • Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)
  • Easy Guide to Clinical Studies –  ein neues Online Tool der SCTO für klinisch Forschende
  • CIU –  BEready Studie
  • CTU-Kurstermine

SERVE trial finds no effect of tadalafil in patients with systemic right ventricles

15.06.2023 – Final results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial in patients with a rare, congenital heart disease have now been published.
Find out more here.

DCR-CTU Lecture: The Power of Patient Engagement: Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in Clinical Research

Mittwoch, 28. Juni 2023
12.45-13.30 (Zoom Meeting)

-  Prof. Eva Segelov, Director of the Department of Clinical Research; -  Sarah Berner, Project PPI, Department of Clinical Research; -  Ein Forscher und ein Mitglied des DCR Patient Panel

Optimising prescribing in older adults with multimorbidity and polypharmacy in primary care

06.06.2023 – The Optimising PharmacoTherapy In the multimorbid elderly in primary CAre (OPTICA) trial studied the effects of a primary care medication review intervention in older adults with multimorbidity and polypharmacy. Final results are now presented in the BMJ. Click here to read more.

TARGET-READ: results published

06.06.2023 – Results of a randomized clinical trial on the effects of a multimodal transitional care intervention in patients at high risk of readmission were published in JAMA Internal Medicine. Click here to read more.

Znüni Talk @ Inselspital

Der nächste Znüni Talk steht bevor.
Zielpublikum: Study-Nurses, Studienkoordinator:innen, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende und Clinical Research Coordinators aus dem Inselspital

13.06.2023 «Patient and Public Involvement in der klinischen Forschung»
Referentinnen: Tamara Kohler, PPI Project Manager, Swiss Clinical Trial Organisation (SCTO) / Sarah Berner, PPI Project Officer, Department of Clinical Research (DCR)
09:00 Uhr bis 10:00 Uhr, Kinderklinik A, Kursraum 1, Inselspital
Anmeldung: bis 9. Juni 2023 unter: studytalk@insel.ch

ELAN trial shows: early initiation of treatment with blood thinners after stroke is safe and possibly more effective

26.05.2023 – The international randomized ELAN trial aimed at estimating the effect of early initiation

as compared with late initiation of anticoagulation in patients suffering from ischemic stroke with atrial fibrillation. Results have now been published in the New England Journal of Medicine and question recommendations in current guidelines. Click here to read more.

DCR Medical Grant Writing Program for Clinicians

03.05.2023 – The Department of Clinical Research is offering a Medical Grant Writing Program for Clinicians who would like to enhance their skills regarding applications for grant funding for clinical research projects.

Registration is open until May 19th. Application decisions can be expected by May 23rd.
For more information please see attached flyer and go to: https://www.dcr.unibe.ch/events/dcr_medical_grant_writing_program_for_clinicians/index_eng.html.

CAS Clinical Reserach Coordinator

03.05.2023 – Register now for the CAS Clinical Research Coordinator which will start in August 2023. Click here to read more.

Day of Clinical Research – Save the Date!

17.03.2023 – The Day of Clinical Research will take place in the week of Clincial Research and is organized by the Department of Clinical Research (DCR).

  Thursday, 7 December 2023, 12.00-18.00
  Langhans Auditorium, Inselspital, Bern

Please find more information about the workshops and keynote speakers in the flyer below.

New study questions standard therapy for preventing kidney stones

06.03.2023 – Kidney stones are a common condition, about 10% of the population is affected. Diuretic drugs from the class of thiazide diuretics have been considered as the treatment of choice for the prevention of kidney stone recurrence for decades.

A new study now published in the journal The New England Journal of Medicine calls this therapy into question. CTU Bern was involved in the planning, data management, monitoring, project management and statistical analyses of the trial. For more information click here.

Weiterbildungskurs klinische Studien: Grundlagen Qualitätsmanagement

02.03.2023 – Register now for this training course, which will be held in German on 12 September 2023. Click here to read more.

CTU Newsletter Februar 2023

-  Spnosor vs. Sponsor-Investigator vs. Investigator
-  Datensicherung
-  Nächste Kurstermine

Work Shadowing at DCR - fully booked

09.02.2023 – Twice a year, in spring and autumn, the Department of Clinical Research (DCR) offers a five-day work shadowing.

During these five days, participants gain an insight into Data Management, Monitoring, Statistics, Clinical Study Management, Quality Management and the work of the Clinical Investigation Unit. The offer is primarily aimed at people who have to complete an internship as part of their CAS course (e.g. CAS Clinical Research or CAS in Clinical Trial Management). The next work shadowing will take place from 27 to 31 March 2023, where two places are still available. If you are interested, please contact info@ctu.unibe.ch

Study published on the effect of antimicrobial treatment duration

01.02.2023 – A new study from Switzerland investigated the effect of antimicrobial treatment duration on in-hospital mortality in critically ill patients.

There was no evidence for a survival difference between patients who received a shorter treatment (<10 days) vs a longer treatment (more than 10 days). The study used retrospective data from two tertiary care intensive care units in Switzerland (Inselspital Bern and CHUV Lausanne). CTU Bern was involved in the statistical analysis of the study. More information can be found here.