CTU Bern

5th Congress of Swiss Professionals of Clinical Research Coordination (SPCRC)

05.10.2022 – The 5th congress of the Swiss Professionals of Clinical Research Coordination will take place at the Hotel Kreuz in Bern on Friday, 11 November 2022.

A faculty of renowned speakers will address crucial topics and enhance our knowledge in important areas of our professional work. The friendly and relaxed attitude of the congress will give you the great opportunity to informally meet speakers and colleagues, discuss challenges we are facing in daily work, and exchange ideas. In addition, you have the opportunity to become a member of the Association of Swiss Professionals of Clinical Research Coordination.

Although the focus will be on a stimulating professional meeting, the congress is not only about education and engagement in professional development; it is also about networking, meeting old friends again, and making new friends. There will be opportunities for exchanging ideas and socializing during the coffee breaks, the delicious meal at lunch and the apéro at the end of the congress.

Contact for questions regarding registration:
Kathrin Schafer, Vice-President SPCRC, Zoom.spcrc@quickline.ch
Registration fee:
CHF 120 for members of the SPCRC
CHF 180 for non-members
Please register online: https://forms.gle/99RrwZLbxwMtFxvH7